May 21, 2010


This bitch was locked in a counting cage, and today she tried to start counting… that was really hell! First of all 10% of 1000 = 100. And that’s much. Second penalties are giving while you are loading (if not in ML). Third, this bitch can type fast, and even in ML she has setting to send everything o some channel… that’s why she could type 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and so on (without commas) rather quick… much-much quicker, then a cage can register. Even typing numbers in format “/1 12” sometimes was quicker, then a cage could register. That’s why when bitch reached 250, her goal was 3200 already.
Bitch understand that’s only her fault and no excuses for a whore like her, but she messaged Miss about it, as she clearly understood, she will never get out of that cage. After a while bitch has got off line IM from Miss and hurried to see her online. Miss released this bitch and put her into another cage – a voting one. So people passing by could vote for this bitch release or against. Miss set 6 votes to get, but somehow they came into 11 very quick.
After that a begging time started. Bitch was sitting in the cage and asked every person, passing by to vote for her. Some voted, some passed by. Some Sirs were asking what this bitch can give to them for their vote… whore could give them only one thing – herself. And  some agreeded, but no one used. Votes were going not evenly. At first (first hour or so), bitch couldn’t get any votes at all… then they started. Sir with his slave voted first. Then some Misses passing by voted too. When bitch has got 7 votes to find some strange Sir came nearby and started to ask this bitch questions about her desires and what make her hot… Long, strange talk… and as far, as bitch remember no vote ;-). There were another girl in a “bad day” costume. She was walking nearby, asking for troubles. And she has got some from Sir and later from this bitch too… That all make nearly 6-7 people come to the cage, where bitch was sitting. And bitch asked them for votes. Some voted against, but most of them voted for!
Among those people there were some, speaking this whore native language… and it was a bit strange for her to hear and answer not in English. However they helped this bitch a lot, voting for her. And after 3.5 hours of imprisonment this bitch was free. Bitch has some spare time and started chatting with that native speaking girl. No special themed chat, just about everything, but while chatting this bitch understood, that she’s not trained to call herself right way on her native language… whore is not selfhumiliates in native language speech… and this bitch doesn’t know if she should… that’s a question for her Mistresses. And there were no doubts, this bitch make that girl a friend and will try to chat with her later.

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