After much talking with Miss Eve, after her reading whore's favorite stories, and some time, Miss Eve decided this whore to make another step toward her real nature of a complete property of Mistress. Today Miss Eve ordered this whore's profile photo and placed it on the cage (another part of that cage is marked with Alvie's picture). After that Miss proclaimed new rules for this whore:
- Whore should logg in and off only, placed inside her cage (keeping door closed, but unlocked).
- Whore can't use teleport inside the house and should walk up and down the stairs.
- Whore can't be inside the house alone and can only pass through it, walking to some other destination (like a skybox, for example)
- Whore is now must learn to emote less human way (not hands, head and so on, but only paws, muzzle, etc.)
(whore in her part of the cage)
That's a new place of this whore in the SL.
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